FAQ on HDR Batch Plugin for Lightroom

I cannot locate the HDR images after batching, where do I find them?

If you don't see the merged HDR images after having successfully completed the batch, it's because Lightroom is filtering them out.

This usually happens when your Lightroom filmstrip is set to 'Previous Import', but can also happen if it is set to a collection, for instance.

To see the batched photos, right-click on where 'Previous Import' shows above the filmstrip, and select All Photographs instead.

If you want to avoid seeing your entire catalog after choosing 'All Photographs', right-click on one of the source images and choose 'Go to Folder in Library.'

I ran the plugin's installer on my Mac, but can't see the HDR Batch Plugin in Lightroom.

If you restarted Lightroom and don't see a 'Photomatix -> HDR Batch' item under 'Export' on the contextual menu, then check whether you see it under the 'File' menu. Choose 'File > Plug-in Extras' and check whether there is a 'Photomatix Batch' item there.

If you can't find it there either, then please follow these steps to install the plugin manually:

  1. Download the Plugin alone in the PhotomatixBatch.lrplugin.zip archive.
  2. Unzip the downloaded file if not done automatically.
  3. In Lightroom, choose File > Plug-in Manager.
  4. On the Plug-in Manager dialog, click on the Add button at bottom of the list on the left hand side.
  5. Browse to the location where you downloaded the Plugin in Step 1, select the PhotomatixBatch.lrplugin file and click 'Add Plug-in'.
  6. Click 'Done' to close the Plug-in Manager.
  7. Control-click on your photos to invoke the contextual menu, select 'Export', and you should now see a 'Photomatix > HDR Batch' item there.

If you still don't see an 'HDR Batch' item listed under 'Export > Photomatix' on the contextual menu (nor a 'Photomatix Batch' item under 'File > Plug-in Extras') after having downloaded and installed from the above link, then please contact our support team.

I installed the plugin, but there is no 'Plug-in Extras' on Lightroom's File menu

If you don't see a 'Plug-in Extras' item on Lightroom's File menu (nor an 'Export' item on the contextual menu), it's likely because you are using 'Lightroom CC'.

Lightroom CC is basically the mobile version of Lightroom, and this doesn't support plugins. So, you will have to use the application that is now called 'Lightroom Classic CC' instead.

Adobe's Creative Cloud Photography plan includes both the 'Classic CC' and 'CC' variants of Lightroom normally, so you should just have to download the 'Classic CC' variant on your computer.

Since upgrading to Lightroom 11.2, the plugin hangs after processing the first set.

This issue is due to a bug in Lightroom Classic 11.2 and is affecting plugins from other vendors as well.

Version 2.0.2 of the plugin works around this bug, so upgrading to the most recent version should fix the issue.

How do I get an image that looks similar to results from Enfuse with your Batch Plugin?

Photomatix 'Natural' preset will give you an image that looks very close to an image done with Enfuse.

Photomatix offers different HDR styles, and each style is based on a different algorithm. The 'Natural' preset is from the 'Fusion/Natural' style, which is based on the same algorithm as the Enfuse plugin.

In non-techie language, this means you will get the same, or very close, results as when using Enfuse if you select the 'Natural' preset in the 'HDR Preset' section of Photomatix HDR Batch plugin.

Additionally, the plugin lets you adjust the image's tone and colour using the sliders on the left side of the window that appears when you click on 'Choose Preset with preview'.

I bought a Photomatix Pro license, am I entitled to a reduction to get the HDR Batch plugin?

If you bought a Photomatix Pro 5 or Photomatix Pro 6 license, you can get the HDR Batch plugin for the price difference between Photomatix Pro and the Photomatix Pro Plus bundle ($20 in USD). See this page for more information.